Tuesday, July 15, 2008

1 year anniversary

Wow!! The traffic blog is a year old. I had it at the back of my mind that I had started this blog sometime in July 2007 and checked today that the blog was started on July 9th, 2007. When I started this blog, I had no idea that it would come this far and contribute in some small way to making the traffic in Hyderabad better.
Let's see what's been done so far:
  • The Free The Left Lane(FTLL) campaign was successful, but unfortunately unsustainable without more support from techies and companies.
  • Companies that were involved in the FTLL campaign were: SumTotal Systems, Oracle and CSC.
  • We got featured on CNN IBN as a Citizen Journalist initiative.
  • I got involved with the Right2Walk initiative and I currently hold the post of Secretary in the R2W foundation
  • We also got in touch with a campaign that wants the Government of AP to check whether the Metro project is indeed the answer to Hyderabad's traffic woes.
There have been some disappointments as well; I had expected more people (esp the IT professionals) to participate actively in such initiatives, but I guess "Release Dates" is feared more than a traffic jam. No worries, I will continue work on projects that I think will make a difference. If after 10 years you feel that you could've made a difference, but didn't, then you can always come back to this post and leave a comment (I hope this blog will be around 10 years from now).

Some people responded to my idea of a short film on Traffic in Hyderabad by saying that others have tried making films showcasing the insensitive nature of Hyderabadi drivers and that it did not have any positive effect on the traffic condition. Well, lets see if I can change that. Even if one road user changes the way he/she drives/behaves on our roads, then it is worthwhile.


mummyjaan said...

Hey, good work. I have said it before and will say so again: I admire your initiative. Keep up the good work.

Sameer said...

I wish it was still an active initiative. I am not able to spend as much time and effort on this as is needed and surprisingly I feel that most folks actually prefer the daily headaches they endure in the traffic than changing their driving habits. :)
