Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Traffic in Hyderabad on 18th Oct... phew

The Traffic was bad in Hyderabad today because of the Aviation Expo. Actually it wasn't bad, it was PATHETIC. The entire stretch of road from Punjagutta to Secunderabad was jam packed.
Here's my experience (unfortunately I didn't carry my camera today or I would have added some great pictures)

I drove from Whitefields, Kondapur to Paradise, Secunderabad and then from Paradise to Charminar.
First traffic jam was at the Greenland flyover. It was so bad that after getting stuck for about 30 minutes there, I took a u-turn from under the flyover and took the Necklace Road route to go to the Secunderabad Railway Station, the intended destination. The Khairatabad flyover was also pretty bad. The traffic cop present at the IMAX circle was not allowing the traffic going to the left (i.e. towards Eat Street) to flow while the traffic from IMAX side was moving-that was wrong. Then on the turn towards Minister Road, there was another traffic jam for no discernible reason and as usual people were causing most of the traffic snarls.
We could not go to the Railway Station so we asked our guest to meet us at Paradise because there was no way that we could have reached the station(a distance of less than 5km) in less than 30-40 minutes. At one of the side lanes next to Paradise (the Sindhi Colony main road) there was an actual deadlock. Traffic was not moving at all and nobody was making an attempt to break the deadlock.
After our lunch, we started again hoping that things would be better in the evening. Things were equally bad and I saw common citizens directing traffic at 2 crossings;trying their best to bring some method in the madness, but I could see them facing the same problems we used to face on the roads - indiffirent drivers who don't realize that these citizens were putting in their time and energy to help . I gave one of them a thumbs up as I drove by and the look on his face said it all - he felt so nice that somebody had recognised his efforts. It was a look of pride, happiness and accomplishment. Pride because his efforts were altruistic. Happiness because somebody else understood what pain he was going through. Accomplishment because he was doing what 99.9% of the other citizens present on the road were not doing and that is being the change he wants to see in others and that my dear readers, is a big accomplishment.


Unknown said...

can so totally empathize with the person who was trying to manage traffic.

Be the change .. you said it .. that's the mantra..

Only a few more people need to practice it and we will see change snowballing

AruunKumar said...

yes u were right,i was also one of the victim of the traffic jam.i have to park my car in the near by building and went by walk from panjagutta to begumpet